A woman in northwest China, identified as Ms. Li, has made headlines after giving birth to twins from both of her uteruses in early September. This rare medical condition, affecting only 0.3% of women worldwide, is known for its extremely low success rate when it comes to delivering healthy babies, according to the South Morning China Post.
Li’s condition, where both uteruses are fully formed and include ovaries and oviducts, is uncommon. Even more remarkable is the fact that she naturally conceived in both uteruses, a phenomenon described by Dr. Cai Ying, a senior obstetrician at Xi’an No. 4 Hospital, as “one in a million”.
Typically, women with two uteruses face a higher risk of complications during pregnancy, such as miscarriages, premature birth and underdeveloped fetuses. Li herself previously suffered a miscarriage at 27 weeks. However, when she became pregnant again in January, doctors at Xi’an Hospital prepared a detailed plan to ensure a safe delivery.
At eight and a half months pregnant, Li gave birth to a healthy boy weighing 3.3kg and a girl weighing 2.4kg through a caesarean section. Both mother and babies were discharged from the hospital four days after the birth, the publication added.
Social media reactions
Li’s story has sparked widespread attention on Chinese social media. One user commented humorously, “The babies lived a luxurious life inside their mother’s belly. Instead of sharing the same house like other twin fetuses, they lived in separate villas.”
“My colleague has two uteruses. She lost her baby three times before having a son. It was not easy for her!” SCMP quoted another user as saying.
This isn’t the first case of its kind. In December 2022, a woman in Alabama, USA, also gave birth to twins from both of her uteruses, a rare but possible phenomenon that continues to fascinate medical professionals and the public alike.