Water on the Moon isn’t a new concept. NASA and Indian missions have detected signs of it before. However, upon examining soil from their lunar probe, Chinese scientists have discovered something groundbreaking.

Chinese scientists identified water in glass beads on the lunar surface. This is the first time molecular water (H2O) has been identified in physical samples. It is retrieved from a lunar region previously believed to be devoid of such water.

Researchers examined samples from China’s Chang’e-5 mission, which landed on the Moon in 2020. They discovered a tiny, transparent crystal called ULM-1. This new lunar mineral, detailed in a study published on July 16 in Nature Astronomy, is about the width of a human hair, CNN reported.

The crystal consists of approximately 41% water. Ammonia in the crystal helps stabilise the water molecules despite the extreme temperature changes on the Moon.

Scientists indicated that this water might be useful for life on the Moon. The discovery is part of China’s broader effort to lead in space exploration. It also plans to build a Moon base. Chinese social media users celebrated the study, viewing the space program as a point of national pride.

‘Fascinating’ discovery

“The discovery of a hydrated mineral at the Chang’e-5 landing site is fascinating and will further enhance our understanding of rock-vapor reactions in the lunar crust and on the lunar surface. CNN quoted David A. Kring.

Kring is a principal scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Texas. He was not involved in the study.

According to planetary geologist Yuqi Qian, there are three forms of water present on the moon. These include water molecules (H2O), ice (its solid form) and hydroxyl, which is chemically similar to water. The geologist from the University of Hong Kong did not participate in the study that revealed this information.

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