The Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 highlights a concerning trend: the number of motorcycles and scooters on the road has nearly tripled sinc

As per the Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023, the number of motorcycles and scooters on the road has nearly tripled since 2011

On World Motorcycle Day, June 21st, 2024, the United Nations Road Safety Fund (UNRSF) and Autoliv, an automotive safety systems company, announced the renewal of their critical partnership to improve motorcycle safety on a global scale.

This renewed focus on motorcycles comes at a crucial time, aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goal 3.6 to significantly reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by 2030, and Autoliv’s ongoing mission to save one lakh lives annually.

Building on Success to Tackle a Growing Challenge

The collaboration leverages the strengths of both organisations. Autoliv, a leader in automotive safety technology, brings their expertise and knowledge to the table. The UNRSF, with its vast global network of partners including UN agencies, NGOs, and technology providers, offers a platform for knowledge sharing and collaborative action. This renewed partnership will focus on empowering this network by providing them with the necessary insights, data, and resources to tackle the growing challenge of motorcycle safety.

The urgency for action is clear. The Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 highlights a concerning trend: the number of motorcycles and scooters on the road has nearly tripled since 2011, with these vehicles involved in a staggering 21 per cent of global road traffic deaths.

Both parties acknowledge the importance of collaboration in achieving their goals. “Partnerships and collaborations are essential for reducing the global burden of road traffic deaths and severe injuries,” said Mikael Bratt, CEO of Autoliv. Nneka Henry, Head of the UN Road Safety Fund, echoed this sentiment, stating, “The rising number of motorcycle fatalities demands a global, multi-stakeholder approach.”

Also Read : UN partners Road Safety Advocate: Helmets for Hope aims to save lives

Earlier in India the United Nations has teamed up with road safety advocate Rajeev Kapur, Managing Director of Steelbird Helmets and President of the Two-Wheeler Helmet Manufacturers Association in India, for an initiative called “Helmets for Hope”.

Helmets for Hope, spearheaded by UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety Jean Todt and Indian road safety advocate Kapur, aims to reduce motorcycle fatalities by promoting widespread helmet use. By combining resources, expertise, and a commitment to collaboration, this initiative has the potential to significantly improve motorcycle safety for riders around the world.

First Published Date: 23 Jun 2024, 09:23 AM IST

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