Moderate fog enveloped parts of Delhi on Friday morning and plunged the visibility to 400 metres at Palam even as an isolated drizzle was expected at some places later in the evening. A minimum temperature of 6.2°C was a degree below normal. It was expected to rise to around 9°C by Saturday due to cloudiness.

There has been no rain this month, barring some drizzle on December 4. (ANI)

Delhi recorded a maximum temperature of 23°C, a degree above normal, on Thursday. It was expected to remain the same on Friday before rising to 24-25°C over the weekend.

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The Capital recorded its lowest minimum temperature of 4.9°C this season on December 15. The minimum temperature was expected to remain between 6-8°C until at least December 27. The maximum is not expected to go below 23°C during this period.

The India Metrological Department (IMD) on December 1 said a warmer winter from December to February was expected for the country as a whole. The intensity and frequency of cold waves will be lower than normal in most parts of north, northwest, central, east, and northeast India.

IMD scientist Kuldeep Srivastava said a fresh western disturbance was approaching the Himalayas. “There are chances of a drizzle in isolated parts of NCR [National Capital Region] on Friday evening and late at night. The impact over the weekend will be limited, but cloudiness should persist,” he said.

There has been no rain this month, barring some drizzle on December 4.

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