India successfully launched its first reusable hybrid rocket named RHUMI 1 today i.e. August 24. Developed by Tamil Nadu-based start-up Space Zone India, the rocket was launched from the TTDC Ground in Thiruvidandhai, ECR, Chennai. The rocket will propel three Cube Satellites and fifty PICO Satellites to a suborbital trajectory. The rocket’s innovative design emphasises flexibility and reusability.

The Martin Group, which collaborated on the project, noted that the launch was conducted using a mobile launcher, further enhancing the rocket’s versatility.

The rocket is equipped with several key features:

– ⁠Adjustable Launch Angle: The rocket features a launch angle that can be precisely adjusted from 0 to 120 degrees, enabling meticulous control over its trajectory.

– Educational Impact: Students from across India and government schools have actively participated in free workshops on rocket and satellite technology.

– ⁠CO2-Triggered Parachute System: An innovative, cost-effective, and eco-friendly descent mechanism ensures the safe recovery of rocket components.

– Beyond Space Exploration: The applications extend beyond space exploration to areas such as agriculture, environmental monitoring, and disaster management.

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