No matter if you are a newbie or a pro, you can always get better at motorcycling. Whether you are a regular commuter on your 110 cc motorcycle or an avid motorcyclist on your 1,000 cc sportsbike, the act of riding a motorcycle remains fundamentally the same. India has one of the largest population of motorcyclists in the world and it is also the largest two-wheeler market worldwide.

By: HT Auto Desk
| Updated on: 26 Dec 2023, 14:52 PM

Motorcycling is not just about honing riding skills, but following some basic afety norms and being a considerate rider as well. Let’s take a pledge to be a better motorcyclist in the year 2024.

With such a huge population of motorcyclists, India witnesses a large number of road accidents every year and sadly, in the majority of them, two-wheelers are involved. While in many cases, the motorcyclists are not at fault, but in most cases, they are at fault. With the new year ushering in, here are some key tips to improve your riding skills as well as how to become a better rider.

Also Read : New Year 2024 resolution: Let’s be a better driver

Read the road

Junctions where multiple roads meet at one point, are real risks for motorcyclists. Apart from that, bends on roads too pose challenge for the motorcyclists. Judging the road ahead and selecting the right gear is a vital skill any motorcyclists should posses. Reading the severity of the corners is an essential skill for motorcyclists. In a nutshell, try to read the road with a keen eye and decide your move with the motorcycle accordingly.

Obey traffic rules

Rules are there for a reason. Try to understand that. Disobeying traffic rules is one of the main reasons behind majority of the road accidents and in many cases, motorcyclists are to be blamed for this. Some of the common traffic rule violations include not wearing helmets, breaching speed limits, overtaking from wrong sides, not using indicators etc. Avoid doing these. To be a better rider, you must follow the traffic rules.

Be considerate

While many riders love to ride motorcycles, they don’t often follow basic norms. Also, many riders act inconsiderately and cause nuisance for other driver or riders on roads. Giving space to a hurrying ambulance or an emergency service vehicle, not overtaking a car from left side in a congested traffic condition are not something considered as skills but good gestures. Being a little considerate about others help and encourage others to be good to you too.

Safety first

Wearing a helmet is one of the basic practice everyone should follow while riding a motorcycle or a scooter. Also, wearing protective gears like riding jackets, elbow guards, knee guards should be a practice as well, as that not only enhance your safety but encourage other riders to follow the same practice as well, making the riding environment cumulatively improved.

Do not honk unnecessary

Unnecessary honking is a menace on Indian roads, which is performed by car drivers and motorcyclists. You can at least try to stop doing that from your end. Try to understand that at a red signal, honking will not make the signal green or there won’t be an additional space made immediately for you to move ahead.

First Published Date: 26 Dec 2023, 14:52 PM IST

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