• EVs are promising to find their way into battlefields of tomorrow but can hybrids be a far more practical option?
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Electric vehicles are being touted as the next big thing in the world of mobility and defence forces across the globe don’t want to miss out on the potential benefits. Super silent in sensitive zones? Sure. Low maintenance in hostile territory? Great. Battery runs out of charge eventually? KIA. While fully-electric vehicles may be inevitable for the US Army in particular, there is a growing call for hybridisation of military vehicles before battery power can be relied upon entirely.

US Army’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office recently showcased the potential benefits of hybrid vehicles as against ‘conventional’ tactical vehicles with only engines and no battery. Underlining on how these offer a superior range over both vehicles that are powered by an internal combustion engine as well as all electrics, the RCCTO’s Tactical Hybrid Electric Vehicle program also pointed to the silent operation when such a hybrid vehicle is in operation on battery alone.

Also Read : US military bets big on electric combat vehicles. But political hurdles remain

Another crucial factor is the heat signature that a military vehicle has that makes it easily detectable by enemy forces. And while all-electric vehicles bring down heat signatures significantly, hybrids are claimed to be almost as good in this regard.

While new-age hybrid tactical vehicles are still in prototype phase, the RCCTO is banking on the technology to find its way into battlefields of tomorrow. And without the need to plug in to charger when power runs out – or carry a portable charging vehicles – into operation zones, such vehicles may be a far more practical option than vehicles powered entirely by battery.

First Published Date: 08 Apr 2024, 19:30 PM IST

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