Getting an insurance coverage against a natural disaster induced vehicle damage could be tricky and needs the subscriber to know a few detail about th

Getting an insurance coverage against a natural disaster induced vehicle damage could be tricky and needs the subscriber to know a few detail about the policy.

With global warming impacting the environment, natural calamities have been rising across India over the last couple of years. The latest in this series of natural disasters is the incident of multiple landslides in the Wayanad district of Kerala, which has killed nearly 150 people and injured many more. Besides that, several properties have been damaged severely, including many vehicles.

In the last several months, floods, flash floods, and landslides have caused havoc in various regions across India. Besides the human casualties, many vehicles along with other properties have been damaged severely due to these natural disasters. If you own a vehicle and live in one of the areas, which are prone to flooding or unfortunately has a risk of flash floods or landslides, it is better to secure your vehicle along with other valuables insured.

Also Read : Looking for car insurance? Five vital points to remember for you

Here is a comprehensive guide for vehicle owners about how to get coverage for vehicles that have been damaged due to landslides, flash floods or floods.

Does a car insurance policy cover natural calamity-induced damages?

While all vehicle owners opt for insurance and in the hour of emergency they seek coverage from the insurance company from which they purchase the vehicle insurance, it is important to know the details, terms and conditions of the policy. Also, it is important to compare car insurance before purchasing one. The subscriber must be aware of whether the policy he or she is buying provides full coverage or not. It is important to know that the nature of insurance decides whether it provides coverage against natural disaster damages or not.

The subscriber needs to check that both comprehensive and collision terms are included in the vehicle insurance to have coverage against natural disasters. Various types of natural disasters can cost one with heavy vehicle damage.

If the insurance policy terms include coverage against natural calamities then there will be some conditions as well as limitations too. The subscriber must analyse the complete coverage the vehicle insurance policy guarantees because once the terms of the insurance are finalised, they can not be changed further.

How to file an insurance claim against a natural disaster

In case the vehicle gets damaged in a natural disaster, then the owner of the vehicle has to follow a certain procedure to file a claim to get complete coverage from the insurance company.

  • Initially, the vehicle owner has to inform the insurance company about the damage and how it happened. Remember that this step must be done as early as possible after the vehicle incurs the damage.
  • File the insurance claim against the damage that occurred due to the natural disaster. Make sure to provide all the details of how the damage happened to the vehicle and what extent of damage has occurred as well.
  • The subscriber has to pay the previous amount that is pending. This amount is called the agreed-on amount. Once the payment is made for the pending amount and all the requirements have been completed, the insurance company will assess the damage according to their terms and conditions and release the payment.
  • The insurance company will assign an adjuster for the respective claim. He or she will take the photographs and collect all the evidence of the damage and the reason behind that. He or she will be responsible for calculating the cost of the damage. Based on this calculation, the insurance company will release the payment against the insurance claim.

First Published Date: 31 Jul 2024, 13:43 PM IST

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