The search for aliens and extra-terrestrial civilisations continues considering the laws of probability that suggest Earth is not the only planet in the universe where life exists.

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Scientists have discovered a number of new planets orbiting other stars like our own solar system. With the discovery of new planets, the ability to explore space increases with each passing year. However, another possibility exists that scientists have not yet been able to find aliens because they might have already found the Earth.

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Zoo Hypothesis theory

According to the Zoo Hypothesis theory, there exists a more technologically advanced extra-terrestrial life. This is the main reason for refraining from establishing contact with Earth. The roots of this theory can be traced to the Fermi paradox which refers to the discrepancy between the lack of conclusive evidence of advanced extra-terrestrial life and the high likelihood of its existence.

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Similar geological and atmospheric conditions on Earth that gave way to human life must exist elsewhere given the enormous size of the universe. Hence, by some estimates, there may be billions of habitable planets in the Milky Way galaxy.

According to a recent report, two astrobiologists propose two possible explanations to the question of the existence of extra-terrestrial life. The first explanation suggests that the evolution of species similar to humans is exceedingly rare. This makes our existence a solitary occurrence.

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The second explanation known as the Zoo Hypothesis, suggests that intelligent aliens are indeed present and are aware of human existence. Hence, they intentionally conceal themselves from humans which is similar to keeping an animal in a zoo.

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Star Trek’s scenario

However, there are some issues with this theory. Considering the presence of a number of alien civilisations, all of them would not be so isolationist to meet humans. Another point of contention to this theory is similar to Star Trek’s scenario. This suggests that aliens are like Star Trek’s Starfleet which operates with the Prime Directive of not interfering with the natural development of civilisations.


Published: 06 Jan 2024, 02:58 PM IST

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